Plone Site

If you're seeing this text instead of the web site you were expecting, the owner of this web site has just installed Plone. Do not contact the Plone Team or the Plone support channels about this.

Get started

Before you start exploring your newly created Plone site, please do the following:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an admin/manager user. You should have a Site Setup entry in the user menu.
  2. Set up your mail server. Plone needs a valid SMTP server to verify users and send out password reminders.
  3. Decide what security level you want on your site. Allow self registration, password policies, and more.

Get comfortable

After that, we suggest you do one or more of the following:

Make it your own

Plone has many settings to make it do what you want. Some examples include:

About Plone and Volto

Plone is a content management system built on Python, with its first release in 2001. Plone has features that appeal to developers and users alike, such as customizable content types, hierarchical URL object traversing, and a sophisticated content workflow powered by a granular permissions model. This allows you to build anything from simple websites to enterprise-grade intranets.

Volto is the frontend for Plone written in React. It exposes all these features and communicates with Plone via its mature REST API. Volto can be easily themed and is highly customizable.

Support the Plone Foundation

Plone is made possible only through the efforts of thousands of dedicated individuals and hundreds of companies. The Plone Foundation:

Thanks for using our product. We hope you like it!

– The Plone Team